We have had very limited Internet access so there has been little time to update our Cambodia blog. We hope to update everyone when we have the time, and we have the time and Internet access now, so here we are!
We have been in Cambodia for the last week and are just beginning to adjust to the heat and humidity. The culture is so different and we often find ourselves saying, "WHOA, you would never see that in Canada." i.e. A man on the back of a moto holding onto a TV with one arm OR a five person family, including infant, riding on one moto.
The food is absolutely delicious and the fruit is so fresh and yummy. We have been trying all kinds of fruit that we have never even heard of! It is so hot and air conditioning is so glorious. You know it's hot when 27 degrees Celsius feels cool.
We spent this past weekend at a beach only a couple of hours outside of Phnom Penh. The bus ride was an adventure in itself as we passed building after building, and then palm tree after palm tree, followed by rolling hills and tiny towns. It seemed that every time we looked out the window there was something new to look at, new scenery to enjoy. We stayed two nights at the beach and greatly enjoyed the pool right outside our door and the BBQ meal. YUM! We spent a day at the closest resort, enjoyed coconut juice right out of a coconut, and swam in the Bay of Thailand. On the bus ride home Sue had a glamorous three hour conversation with a French man. We were all impressed.
On Saturday night we had the chance to attend the High-School Graduation Banquet for Sue's school. On Sunday we spent time with Sue's friends at church, the local mall, and Russian market. We have purchased a few too many DVD's from "Sang Sang DVD" where you can buy DVD's for merely pennies... well almost.
Today we are helping Sue with reading testing and sitting in on some of her classes. The kids here are so ridiculously brilliant. We can't get over how much they know and their desire to learn. We are constantly surprised by the passion of their teachers and the spirit of the people here. There are so many stories to share and we can't wait to share more here soon.
Keep Well,
Allison and Sara
No idea how excited I was when I checked your blog for the hundreth time and saw an update! Sounds like you guys have had so many amazing experiences- and it's only the beginning of your time in Cambodia!!