Thursday, May 27, 2010

A New Day Cambodia

Yesterday we had the chance to visit a school in Phnom Penh called A New Day Cambodia (ANDC). The children at this school were once scavengers at the local dump where they could earn a profit for their family. ANDC now pays the families the money that these children would have made as scavengers so that they can attend school. We had the opportunity to make friendship bracelets and sing with them.

Just like John Stamos, they have stolen our hearts... and they won't give them back.

Wait for the video to load. We PROMISE that it will be worth it.

The words to their song goes a little like this:

Watermelon, watermelon
Papaya, papaya
Bananananana, bananananana
Fruit salad, fruit salad

Check out A New Day Cambodia's website here:

1 comment:

  1. What a neat video, I wanted to sing along and give them all a hug, you guys were blessed. Can you bring them home? Looking forward to seeing you both soon.

    Mom/Auntie Jill
